(Quick Reference)

4 Builder - Reference Documentation

Authors: groovyquan

Version: 0.5.1

4 Builder

Builders are internal DSLs that provide ease in working with certain types of problems.It is very useful for work with nested,hierarchical structures, such as tree structures, XML representations,or HTML representations.

Let’s take a look at an example of one way to create zk component in Groovy—using a builder:

4.1 appendChild

appendChild is dynamic method that ZKUI injection to zk Component to begin builder,which accepts a Closure parameter.
def window = new Window(title: "listbox demo", border: "normal")
window.appendChild {
    listbox {
        listhead(sizable: true) {
            listheader(label: "name", sort: "auto")
            listheader(label: "gender", sort: "auto")
        listitem {
            listcell(label: "Mary")
            listcell(label: "FEMALE")
        listitem {
            listcell(label: "John")
            listcell(label: "MALE")
        listitem {
            listcell(label: "Jane")
            listcell(label: "FEMALE")
        listitem {
            listcell(label: "Henry")
            listcell(label: "MALE")
        listfoot {
            listfooter {
                label(value: "This is footer1")
            listfooter {
                label(value: "This is footer2")

4.2 leftShift

ZKUI also provides a convenient method leftShift( << ),so you can modify the above code like:
def window = new Window(title: "listbox demo", border: "normal")
window << {
    listbox {

4.3 Event listening

If the parameter on onEvent it's a Closure, then it's a server side event
window << {
    button(label: 'button', onClick: {
        Messagebox.show("hello word! from Server")

4.4 Client-side event listening

If the parameter on onEvent it's a String, that is a client side event
window << {
    button(label: 'buutton', onClick: "alert('Say hello word! from JS')")

Add a prefix client_ is useful when you also use server side event that avoid naming conflicts

window << {
    button(label: 'buutton', client_onClick: "alert('Say hello word! from JS')",onClick:{
        Messagebox.show("hello word! from Server")